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g.gui.mapswipegrass - Online in the Cloud

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g.gui.mapswipe - Interactively compares two maps by swiping a visibility bar.


general, GUI, display


g.gui.mapswipe --help
g.gui.mapswipe [first=name] [second=name] [mode=string] [--help] [--verbose]
[--quiet] [--ui]

Print usage summary

Verbose module output

Quiet module output

Force launching GUI dialog

First (top/right) raster map

Second (bottom/left) raster map

View mode
Options: swipe, mirror
Default: swipe
swipe: swiping the upper map layer to show the map layer below
mirror: synchronized maps side by side


The Map Swipe is a wxGUI component which allows the user to interactively compare two
raster maps of the same area by revealing different parts of the raster maps. It is
useful e.g. for comparing raster maps from different time periods. Map Swipe can be
launched from the menu File -> Map Swipe.

Map Swipe allows you to:

· switch orientation of the swipe line (horizontal or vertical)

· zooming, panning

· automatically load maps when opening Map Swipe with two selected raster maps in
Layer Manager

· compare 2 raster maps or load different combinations of raster and vector maps and
set transparency (advanced mode)

· save display to graphics file

· display text labels with map names

· choose between ’swipe’ mode (default) and ’mirror’ mode (synchronized maps
displayed side by side)

· change the appearance of cursor in ’mirror’ mode (available in Map Swipe settings)
Pre and post disaster images of the tsunami in Japan in 2011. The upper MODIS image taken
on February 26, 2011, shows the coastline under normal conditions while the lower MODIS
image on March 13, 2011, shows a clear view of tsunami flooding along the coastline.
Water, black and dark blue in these false-color images, still covers the ground as much as
five kilometers (three miles) from the coast. Source: Earth Observatory/NASA

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